6 Questions to Ask Yourself Midway Through the Year

The halfway mark is a great opportunity to make sure we’re making the most of the remainder of the year!

July, the midpoint in the year, can be a pivotal moment where achievements, ambitions, and reality collide. As we find ourselves saying, “I can’t believe the year is already halfway over,” it’s important to pause and reflect.

With half of 2024 in the books and a Summer and Fall already full of commitments and obligations, now is the time to ensure we’re making the most of the remainder of the year. And I think you should too!

For us busy dog moms, balancing our lives and our furry companions’ needs can be quite the juggling act. The halfway point of the year is a perfect opportunity to assess where you stand with your goals and what adjustments might be needed to stay on track or recalibrate. Here are three questions to guide your reflection:

What Did You Set Out to Accomplish and Ultimately Did Accomplish?

Reflecting on what you have achieved so far can be incredibly motivating. Consider all the goals you set at the beginning of the year and identify which ones you’ve already accomplished. This can include both major milestones and smaller wins. Celebrating these successes will not only boost your morale but also provide a clear picture of your progress. Did you start a new routine with your pup? Did you manage to find a better work-life balance?

What Did You Start But Haven’t Yet Finished?

Next, think about the projects and goals you initiated but have yet to complete. Understanding why these are still unfinished can be insightful. Are there obstacles you need to overcome, or have your priorities shifted?

Listing these out can help you determine which are still important and how you might reallocate your time and resources to see them through. Maybe there’s a training course for your dog that’s still pending, or a personal fitness goal you’ve been working on.

What Did You Start and Have Given Up On?

Finally, acknowledge the goals or projects you’ve abandoned. It’s natural to outgrow certain ambitions or realize that some plans are no longer feasible.

Identifying these can help you understand more about your evolving priorities and what you might want to focus on instead. It’s also a chance to learn from any mistakes and avoid repeating them in the future.

Categories for Reflection

For a comprehensive self-assessment, break down your reflections into key categories:

  • Family: Have you spent quality time with your loved ones, including your furry family members? Are there family goals or activities that need more attention?

  • Career: What professional milestones have you reached? What career goals are still pending? How has balancing work and pet care impacted your progress?

  • Personal Growth: Have you engaged in activities that contribute to your personal development, such as reading, learning new skills, or hobbies? Have you tried new activities with your pup that enrich both your lives?

  • Health and Wellness: Are you taking care of your physical and mental health? What changes do you need to make to improve your well-being? Are you incorporating exercise and outdoor activities that benefit both you and your dog?

Key Questions for Future Planning

Now that you’ve reflected on the past six months, it’s time to look forward and plan for the rest of the year.

1. What Will I Regret Not Having Done or Not Having Learned by the End of the Year?

We all have those long-term plans with no real due date or plan for success. Imagine yourself at the end of the year. What will you wish you had done or learned? Prioritize these tasks and start taking small steps toward them now to avoid future regrets. This could be a new training technique for your dog or a new hobby for yourself.

2. What Do I Want My Days to Look Like?

Think about your ideal day. How do you want to spend your time? What habits and routineswould make you feel fulfilled and productive? Use this vision to guide your daily planning and decision-making. Adjust your schedule to align more closely with this ideal. Consider how your daily routine can incorporate quality time with your dog and personal relaxation.

3. What Trade-offs Am I Willing to Make or No Longer Willing to Make?

We all have situations where we’ve made concessions, but perhaps we no longer find the energy or motivation to continue making them. Identify what trade-offs are worth it for you and which ones you need to let go of to live a more balanced and satisfying life. Recognize the changes you need to make to achieve your desired balance, whether it’s reducing work hours to spend more time with your dog or finding new ways to manage stress.


Taking the time to reflect and answer these questions can help you make the most of the rest of the year.

Adjust your goals, refine your plans and focus on what truly matters to ensure that you end 2024 on a high note.

By reassessing and realigning your ambitions, you can create a clear path forward that maximizes your productivity and satisfaction in all areas of your life.

Let’s make the second half of the year as fulfilling and joyful for you and your pup as possible!

Sam & Graham

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    Part 1: Highlights & Round-Up