The Identity Blueprint

Personalize your insights and help yourself prioritize areas of focus with this fun and powerful tool!

Life as a dog mom is a beautiful journey, filled with tons of love, joy, and a fair share of challenges. To navigate this journey, it’s essential to build good habits and continually strive to become the person you envision yourself to be. This isn’t just about setting goals; it’s about creating an identity that aligns with your values and aspirations.

In a previous post on Habit Anatomy, we delved into the importance of identifying the person you want to be. Understanding your identity is the first step toward manifesting the life you’re looking for!

Today we expand upon that idea as we look to create a blueprint for becoming the person, dog mom, coworker, etc. that we want to be!

The Identity Blueprint

The Identity Blueprint is designed to help you reflect on your journey, providing clarity and direction:

For each focus area on the left column, write down the following:

  • Identity: Who do you want to become? This is your guiding star.

  • Values: What are the core principles or qualities that define that identity? For example, if the identity you want to become is Worlds Best Dog Mom, I might say the values are consistency, positivity, and patiences.

  • Goals: Think about tangible achievements you'd like to reach in the next 3-6 months.

  • Daily To-Dos: What single action can this main character do today (and every single day) that will get them closer to that goal?

I have found the Identity Blueprint to be an incredibly useful tool. It takes 5-10 minutes to complete, but has a lasting impact (particularly if you keep it on your desk or in view).

Goal: Identify Areas of Focus and Prioritize Actions

The Identity Blueprint is much more than just a table; it's a powerful tool that offers personalized insights and helps you prioritize areas of focus:

  • Personalized Insight and Guided Focus: Gain valuable insights into your current stance and discover which areas of your life resonate most with you right now. This clarity helps you invest your time and energy where it matters most.

  • Continuous Re-evaluation: Revisit the blueprint periodically helps to make sure your journey remains relevant and adaptive to your evolving life and circumstances.

In essence, the Identity Blueprint acts as a compass, helping you navigate the vast landscape of dog parenthood with purpose and intention. By using this tool, you’ll ensure a more enriching and fulfilling experience for both you and your furry companion.

Give it a shot and let me know what you think!

Sam & Graham

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