Why Do We Sabotage Ourselves?

It’s easy to slip into distraction, but getting out of them? That’s the real challenge.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again—life is busy.

When you're juggling so many things at once, it’s incredibly frustrating to realize you’ve been wasting time on distractions or, worse, sabotaging your own progress.

We all fall into these traps, and I am certainly no exception. It’s easy to slip into these patterns, but getting out of them? That’s the real challenge.

In today’s newsletter, we’re diving into four common traps I find myself in, along with practical solutions to either break free or avoid them altogether.

1. Chasing Shiny Objects (Shiny Object Syndrome)

We often sabotage ourselves by constantly chasing new ideas, projects, or opportunities, which pulls focus away from our core goals. Whether it’s a new business idea, social media trend, or tool that promises quick success, it disrupts momentum and progress on long-term goals. This makes it difficult to stay committed to what truly matters.

My Solution:

Refocus on Your Core Goals – Whenever a new opportunity or idea arises, ask yourself: "Does this align with my current goals or long-term vision?" Create a simple filter to evaluate if this new shiny object is worth pursuing right now. If it doesn’t fit, put it on a “later list” so you don’t lose sight of it entirely, but it won’t distract you from your current focus. Revisit this list when it’s time to reassess your goals.

2. Perfectionism

The need to have everything be perfect before launching a project, creating content, or following through on a routine can lead to procrastination. Perfectionism often disguises itself as high standards, but it can actually hold us back from making consistent progress. We delay action because we're afraid of not getting it exactly right the first time.

My Solution:

Embrace Progress Over Perfection – Set deadlines and stick to them, even if you don’t feel your work is 100% perfect. As we discussed in Good, Better, Best, it’s essential to set realistic goals and focus on continuous improvement. Setting deadlines can help push you forward, even if things aren’t perfect. Remember, we’re always aiming for progress, not perfection. This mindset can reduce procrastination and keep you moving forward.

3. Overloading Ourselves

Taking on too many tasks, responsibilities, or projects at once creates burnout. It’s easy to say yes to everything, but without focus, we dilute our energy and spread ourselves too thin, leading to inconsistency and stress. When we overload ourselves, it’s impossible to give our best to any one area of life.

My Solution:

Prioritize Ruthlessly – When you feel overwhelmed, revisit your goals and rank your tasks by importance. Use a simple framework like “Must Do, Should Do, Could Do” to determine which tasks are non-negotiable and which can be delegated, postponed, or eliminated. Building in breaks and downtime will ensure you maintain the energy to stay consistent.

4. Comparison Trap

Scrolling through social media and comparing ourselves to others' highlight reels often leads to self-doubt. We sabotage our self-worth and progress by measuring ourselves against others, which can demotivate us from sticking to our unique path. The more we compare, the less we appreciate our own journey and achievements.

My Solution:

Limit Social Media Consumption – Set boundaries around how often and when you check social media, especially when you’re feeling vulnerable or doubting yourself. Focus on your own progress by keeping a journal of wins and milestones to remind yourself of how far you’ve come. Instead of comparing, seek inspiration from others’ but ultimately remain focused on your purpose and what you’re working toward.

Falling into these traps is something we all experience, and it can feel incredibly frustrating when we finally realize how much time we’ve wasted. But the good news? Once you’re aware of these patterns, you can take steps to break free from them. Whether it’s avoiding distractions, battling perfectionism, or learning to prioritize, there are always ways to reclaim your focus and stay on track. That's the dream!

The key is to catch yourself before you get stuck—and if you do, know that you have the tools to pull yourself out. Remember, it's not about being perfect; it's about making consistent progress, one step at a time.

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