Maximizing Your Message: How to Repurpose like a Pro!

Publishing a mass amount of content is hard… you’re probably over thinking it.

Nonstop planning, weekend excursions, content brainstorm sessions. It becomes a lot!

But something I’ve realized recently - we might be putting too much pressure on ourself to constantly churn out new content, thinking your audience is hanging on every post. The truth is, we are overthinking it!

Not everyone who follows you on Instagram—even your most loyal followers—sees every post, story, or piece of content you create. People consume content differently, and understanding this can be a game-changer.

By embracing this, you can make your content work harder for you. Focus on fewer but more impactful themes, retell stories you've shared before, and consistently reiterate key points without worrying about boring your audience. In fact, repetition can be a strength, helping to solidify your message and build familiarity.

Let’s dive into four ways you can repurpose your content and ensure that your efforts go further.

1. Refresh Old Stories

Your audience likely didn’t catch every story the first time around. Go back and refresh older stories that still hold relevance. Tweak them slightly for current trends or lessons learned since you originally posted. New followers may not have seen them, and old followers often appreciate the reminder.

Example: If you shared tips for organizing your day as a dog mom, revisit those and update them with any new routines or habits you’ve adopted.

2. Turn Popular Posts into Evergreen Content

Look at your top-performing posts and ask yourself, “Can this be evergreen?” Turn popular tips, tricks, or stories into more permanent forms of content like blog posts, Instagram carousels, or a newsletter. This lets you dive deeper and solidify your message, allowing it to exist beyond a single moment in the feed.

Example: A popular Instagram post on how to start your dog’s social media account could become a long-form blog or email, breaking down each step.

3. Create Series-Based Content

Transform successful one-off posts into a series. Not only does this make planning easier, but it also gives you the opportunity to revisit and build upon your ideas over time. Each installment can offer a fresh angle or detail, keeping the theme alive and engaging.

Example: If a post about balancing work and dog mom life was well-received, create a mini-series with multiple posts diving into different aspects like meal planning, scheduling dog walks, or time-blocking.

4. Cross-Platform Repurposing

What you post on Instagram can and should be reshared on other platforms. Consider turning a series of Instagram posts into a TikTok video or breaking down a blog post into bite-sized content for Threads. Different platforms mean different ways of consuming content, and repetition across channels increases the likelihood that people will see it.

Example: A popular Instagram Reel can be reshared on TikTok or included as a visual in your next newsletter.

Give it a Shot!

Let’s put this to the test and start right now.

  • Find your 3-5 best performing pieces of content from the last 3 months.

  • If it is a Reel, turn it into a Post or Carousel.

  • If it is a Story, turn it into a Reel.

  • If it is a newsletter or blog, break it down in a Reel

Remember, not everyone sees your content the first time around. The freedom that comes with understanding this will allow you to stop feeling like you need to create new things constantly. Instead, repurpose, refresh, and retell your stories in different ways to get the most out of your efforts and create deeper connections with your community!

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