Let’s Getaway!

All you need to plan for a weekend away!

With the weather cooling down and our schedules freeing up we decided to take a little weekend getaway to the mountains! We have done a day trip to Big Bear before and my parents have gone with friends, but we hadn’t done a weekend stay with just the three of us.

This time of the year is actually a great time to visit because it isn’t a crazy busy season and the weather is still nice enough to walk around, but cooled down to enjoy that crisp fall weather. Living in a beach town we don’t get to see much of a “change of season” so we like to venture out to the mountains which are only a couple hours away!

Getting to explore new places all together is our favorite thing to do, but it definitely comes with some planning when you have a pup! With some research of where to stay, dog friendly activities and restaurants, and making some packing lists, you can make sure to have a fun, relaxing getaway!


Deciding on a getaway usually comes down to a few things. We like to do a little research to make sure the place we are going to be exploring has enough activities, dog friendly restaurants, and is a reasonable distance from us. We like to have a good list of options of activities and restaurants so that we can decide on things based on energy and the amount of time we have.

Where to Stay

We typically will use AirBnB when we travel because it is the easiest to filter and find dog friendly accommodations. We prefer to have an entire house with a yard since I am a larger pup who loves being outside. Another thing that we check is the location of the house in relation to the activities we want to do, walkability, and how close to town/restaurants we are.

Packing List

My mom loves a good packing list, which means there are several she makes when we go on our adventures. For a weekend getaway she usually makes her packing list, my packing list, and a snack/miscellaneous packing list. By making the list ahead of time we can make sure we don’t forget anything important! 

Here’s what usually goes on my list:

Get Tuckered Out Ahead of Time

When we have a bit of a drive ahead of us we make sure to get outside and get some exercise in! We will make sure to get a nice long walk in or play some fetch at the park to help tucker us out for the trek ahead. My mom usually lays out my bed in the car so I can snuggle up and get comfortable for the long ride and maybe even take a nap.

Plan Out Our Activities (Set Expectations)

With our research ahead of time we usually have a list of several activities and a bunch of restaurants that we want to try out. We like to have a lot of different options depending on how much energy we have, how much we want to relax, and what kind of food we are in the mood for. Some days it might just be a walk around town to window shop or stop by the shops that are dog friendly and eat at a local cafe, and other days we may be up for a long hike and hitting the local brewery afterwards.

What is often forgotten on a trip away is my normal routine. In a new place, with new smells and new experiences I am going to reach my limit sooner than I normally might.

It’s important to make sure I still get all of my fluids, snacks and lunches, and that my pawrents understand when I might be getting a little too tired.

Getting to spend time with your pup near or far can be so fun and rewarding, but it can also be exhausting and frustrating if you aren’t prepared. Planning ahead ensures that both pup and pawrents are in line for an enjoyable weekend.

I had a blast on our trip this weekend. Between gathering my own pile of pinecones to rooting around the mountain village getting compliments from tourists and locals alike, getting out of town for the weekend was a welcome experience because we were prepared for all occasions!

And with that, I’m off to chase a squirrel. Talk to you next week and as always, stay friendly!



Fall Recipes!


Filling up that Social Calendar