Filling up that Social Calendar

The keys to a successful social situation!

Our October calendar has filled up quite quickly with basically every weekend having some sort of commitment.  We are busier this month than we were all summer!  From hosting guests at our house, to going to dog events with familiar faces, and fun seasonal adventures planned where there will be a lot of new sniffs and faces, we have a combination of social events that each come with their own level of anxiety for a pup.

I am still a very excitable young pup that does get anxious in some new situations, and what we’ve learned is that each of these social scenarios come with some prep ahead of time.  My parents have found that being prepared sets us up for success and an enjoyable time for all!


I like to think that I am the host with the most!  Having guests over to our house is one of my favorite things.  With it being one of my favorite things, I do tend to get a little over excited when greeting our guests.  Sometimes I forget that I am a 70 lb adult dog and not a 10 lb little pup.

To help others that find themselves in this same situation, here are some ways my pawrents help me prepare to be the best host with some better manners.

  • Exercise - We always make sure to go for our daily walk and get some outside play time before our guests arrive. 

  • Mental stimulation - if the pawrents are planning for a relaxing evening with friends they usually give me some sort of enrichment treat or an engaging new toy to keep me entertained.

  • Practicing our listening skills - a routine we have touched on before, we make sure that we are up on all of our commands, so once the guests arrive I can be on my best behavior.

  • Meeting them outside - if we can plan ahead, we try to meet our guests outside. This eliminates the surprise that comes with a knock on the door and allows us to greet them in a wide open space.

Going to a Dog Event

We are so lucky to have built a community with our newsletter and on Instagram where we have made so many friends and get invited to so many fun dog events. Going to a dog friendly event is definitely a fun time and depending on whether I’m required to stay on leash or not determines how we prepare for this event.

  • Explore the space - In line with each of our social experiences we always make sure to get some form of exercise, but if I have to stay on leash I need to get more. To accomplish this, we’ll get to the event early and find a park where I can stretch my legs.  Not only does this allow me to burn some calories, but I can also make sure I relieve myself before entering the fun.

  • Greeting my friends - Approaching slowly with calming reassurance from my pawrents, I make sure to get in some sniffs.  Before I’m off leash and mingling, it’s always best to get reacquainted with new friends and old.

  • Routine check-ins - If I am off leash and running around with my friends, my pawrents will always make it a point to check in with me to make sure I understand where they are and that I am behaving appropriately. Establishing this contact with a training treat beforehand means I won’t be gone for long without coming back for a tasty check-in.

Going on an Outing

New places, smells, and faces can be a little overwhelming for me, but definitely exciting as well.  With the season changing the pawrents already have a long list of fun outings that they want to take me on. 

  • Observe Before Proceeding - Before venturing into a new environment, give yourself a second to assess the situation.  Find the best way to enter the situation, who might feel threatened by you entering (children, other dogs, etc.), and the best way to exit the situation if you need to.

  • Walking Away - If my pawrents can sense that I am uncomfortable or getting too excited when we are out at an event or public space, we usually do a walk around and get away from the situation to collect ourselves.

  • Bring a Distraction - When in a new situation, my pawrents always bring a toy, preferably an edible one that can keep me distracted if the situation calls for it. By providing a simple distraction, I am able to remove myself mentally from the situation and prolong our outing.

I love and appreciate being such an important part of my family's life that I get to tag along on so many fun adventures.

Preparing for each of these experiences not only makes sure that I feel comfortable and in control, but also for those around me. These simple reminders don’t take too much time, but pay off in a big way. Something I know to be true as I keep getting the invite to come back!

And with that, I’m off run around in the yard. Talk to you next week and as always, stay friendly!



Let’s Getaway!


It’s Finally Fall Bucket List