Keeping your dog safe during the Holidays!

Things to watch out for and foods to avoid this time of year.

The holiday season is definitely a time for celebration, but if we’re not aware of potential doggo hazards it can also be a dangerous time for our furry friends.

With all the extra activity, delicious food, and fun decorations, it's important to take steps to keep your dog safe during this festive time of year. Here are a few tips to help you do just that.

Dangerous Decorations

Let’s start with mom’s favorite thing about this time of the year, the decorations and lights! While beautiful to look at, it is important to know that certain decorations can be harmful to them. This includes things like tinsel, which can be swallowed and cause intestinal blockages, and Christmas tree lights, which can shock your dog if they chew on the cords.

It's also a good idea to secure any decor or even your Christmas tree to prevent it from toppling over and injuring your dog if you have tight spaces that you worry about this happening.

Harmful Foods

Next up, the tastiest part of this season, the FOOD! We need to be mindful of the food you share with your dog during the holiday season.

Many human foods, such as chocolate, grapes, and onions, can be toxic to dogs and should be avoided. If you're hosting a holiday party, make sure to keep any potentially dangerous foods out of reach of your dog. I know to avoid the temptation, mom had planned out a few dog friendly treats for me and any other doggo friends we are with for the holidays.

Establishing a Safe Space

Next, I know it is going to be a BUSY season for us. We are going to be hosting our family at our house and also going over to grandma's house where it is going to be another full house! It is important to make sure your dog has a safe place to escape the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.

With all the extra visitors and activity, your dog may become overwhelmed and need a quiet place to retreat to. Provide them with a comfortable bed in a quiet room where they can relax and feel safe. If needed, you can set up their crate in another room and this can provide a relaxing environment for your pup.

Keep Your Routine

Finally, don't forget to keep your dog's regular routine as close to normal as possible. This means providing them with regular meals, exercise, and bathroom breaks. We are making sure we accomplish this by focusing on getting those daily walks in, setting an alarm for meal time if needed (Christmas Eve and Christmas Day), and we use a bell on our slider door that I can ring to tell the humans that I need to go outside (we’ve had this bell since I was a puppy).

The holiday season can be a hectic time, but it's important to make sure your dog's needs are still being met.

By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that your dog stays safe and happy during the holiday season. We don’t have to remind you, but your dog is an important member of the family, and taking care of their safety should be a top priority during this festive time of year.

Like much of what we discuss here, a little preparation goes a long way in helping make sure your pup has just as good of a time this holiday season as you do!

With that, I ‘m off to turn on the Christmas lights. Talk to you next week and as always, stay friendly!



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Holiday Bucket List