What's in your Confidence Backlog?

We are all capable of accomplishing great things, yet most of us aren’t willing to try.

What we’re getting into today…

  • We are all capable of accomplishing great things, yet most of us aren’t willing to try.

  • Getting over the mental hurdle to try something challenging requires a mindset shift and a reflection on great things you’ve already accomplished.

  • Developing a Confidence Backlog provides you with the evidence you need to take bigger risks!

Question: What are three examples of a time where you accomplished something that you did not think was possible?

You might have to dig deep for the answer to this question, but I know if you’re reading this that you have it in you.

This could be working hard for and receiving that promotion, setting a new personal record for a 30-minute peloton ride, sticking to your command training routine for a full month, and/or getting our on your morning walk every day for 30 days.

Big or small, taking note of these successes helps build up our confidence to continue to work out of our comfort zone.

What is stopping you from trying?

Starting something challenging and new requires a mindset shift.

What will others think of me if I fail? Can I even do it? Self-doubt is natural and something that we all experience, but negative feelings toward your abilities can be draining. We can find ourselves overwhelmed with reminders of how we’ve failed in the past.

Now think about a time you failed —

  • Did others notice?

  • Was there anything positive that you learned from that “failure”?

  • Did one failure result in NEVER trying something again?

The first time you rode a bike, went to school, made a new friend were you scared? Did that stop you from doing these things? The older we get the harder it is to break out of our comfort zone because we tend to overthink, overanalyze, and imagine the worst case scenario.

Lots of questions so far, but I hope you get the point.

Much of what we consider to be “failures” are relative to our own feelings. We’ve all done so many great things and have the ability to do so much more, if we can get past the hurdle we put in front of ourselves.

The Confidence Backlog

This is why it is important for us to build our Confidence Backlog.

A place where you can go to review all of the big accomplishments you had in the past. Times where you surprised yourself by crushing a goal, set a new standard, or face your fears.

A little bit of confidence can go a long way. And I have found that just by keeping a short list handing and adding to it routinely I am able to continue to push myself out of my comfort zone and try new things that benefit both myself and my pup!

Using Your Confidence Backlog

Now it’s your turn…

  1. If you haven’t already, write down three accomplishments where you went outside of your comfort zone and surprised yourself.

  2. Now write down three things that you have been putting off or completely put aside because the risk was too high.

  3. Compare the difficulty of the contents of the two lists.

Do you have the confidence to start the list in waiting? I think you do!!

Sam & Graham

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