Welcome to Graham Friendly

Breaking down practical concepts to help you and your dog live a balanced, focused, and healthy life!

“Seventy-seven pounds…” I had to ask if they were joking. There was no way Graham was more than 10 pounds overweight! But that’s what the scale read, and in that moment I realized this was going to be a lot harder to manage than I thought…

Hey - Sam here! Welcome to the Graham Friendly.

And listen, I find myself here today for the exact same reasons you have.

A little bit overwhelmed and a lot a bit tired. As a dog mom with a long list of priorities, it has been difficult keeping Graham at the top.

My moment came after our daughter was born last summer. Yes, adding a priority like that required us to drop some of our dog friendly activities, but we thought we were still doing a great job keeping up with Graham’s health.

Then we took a trip to the vet…

The purpose of the trip was treat a skin condition that had spread due to increasingly larger gaps in our grooming routine (lost priority #1), only to find out when we got there that he had also gained over TEN POUNDS in just a few short months. I guess our walks had become fewer and further between (lost priority #2).

I realized in that moment that something had to change. But with major life changes abound, the dreaded to-do list was only getting longer, and I didn’t know where to start.

That’s where the Graham Friendly Newsletter comes in - a weekly email with the goal of bettering our lives by bettering our dog’s life!

Don’t worry. I’m not going to lecture you on the latest cure-all diet trend or review the newest high tech gadget. That’s because I’m not an expert and I don’t claim to know it all, I’m just a mom trying to do the best by her pup(s)!

Instead I’m going to pop into your inbox Wednesday with one actionable framework, mental exercise, or question that will help us Dog Mom’s live a more balanced, focused, and healthy life. Benefitting both you AND your pup!

These concepts and exercises will give you the systems needed to take back control of your time. They have worked for us and I’m sure you will find plenty that will work for you too!

Now if that sounds like what your looking for, sign up for my weekly email list below! Not only will you receive notice each time a new post is released, but you gain piece of mind knowing that you are proactively addressing your life and optimizing your time.

If you’re already signed up and loving it, please share it with a friend or family member. The bigger the community grows the more we will all get out of it.

Thanks for getting this far and talk soon!

Sam & Graham

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    Good Routine, Great Habits