How to Energize Your Morning Routine

Four strategies that will have your mornings working for you!

What we’re getting into today…

  • I've always considered myself a morning person, but I was not particularly productive in the morning.

  • After becoming a mom, that needed to change in a big way!

  • Today we walk through four ways that I make my mornings work for me.

For the longest time I have considered myself a morning person. Sleeping late into the morning has never really been my thing, probably because high energy comes naturally for me even without the coffee.

But, being an early riser doesn’t necessarily mean that my mornings were always productive. There were days when I’d spend my mornings lounging around or scrolling through social media, only to realize I’d wasted precious hours without accomplishing much.

As a busy mom, there aren’t enough hours in the day, meaning my morning routine had to change!

It took some time, but I have found a few different ideas that have completely transformed my mornings from lazy and unproductive to energized and efficient.

If you’re looking to make the most out of your mornings, here are four strategies that get me hopping out of bed and have my mornings working for me!

4 Strategies to be a Productive Morning Person

1. Create a Repeatable Evening Routine

A good evening routine sets you up for a great morning!

I spend a few minutes each night getting myself ready to hit the ground running the following day, with the biggest piece of that being getting things off my mind and on to paper so I can have a great night sleep.

Something that I call The 3 G’s!

2. Wake up on time

No matter how bad you want it to, the rest of the day isn’t going to wait for you while you sleep in. Your mornings are precious, so don’t waste them hitting snooze or scrolling through social media in bed for the first half hour.

An interesting way to make sure this happens is to leave your phone away from your bed. That way you HAVE TO get out of bed to turn it off.

3. Get up and then get out

We start every day with a walk. The sunlight, fresh air, and your body warming up all have a positive impact on your physical and mental mood the rest of the day.

Not only is it great for me, it starts Graham’s day off with some immediate exercise.

Get out of the house and get moving!

4. Do something for you (and your pup)

When you’re trying to become a morning person, having something to look forward to in the morning is great motivation to get up and get going. This could be working on your side hustle, getting a workout in, or accomplishing that big thing on your to-do list.

I like to structure my mornings with both a mental and physical activity. For me this includes a workout before anyone else is up, reorganizing my to-do list, and getting out on that walk with Graham.

My mind is clear, by body is energized, and the entire day is still ahead of me!

Now Get up and Get After It!

Everyone is looking for an edge in how to get more out of their days. We’re all incredibly busy.

Waking up and having a productive morning is the easy way to increase the odds that you’ll have an awesome day.

You may not find it easy in beginning, or see immediate results, but if you keep at it I can promise you that you’ll start to feel better and accomplish more by having a great morning routine!

Let me know what gets you guys up and going in the morning. I’d love to share some of them here!

Sam & Graham

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    The Anti To-Do List


    The 3 G’s