4 Simple Productivity Questions

Break down the barriers keeping you from having productive and positive weeks!

In today’s issue, I’m excited to share how I look to improve my weekly productivity by answering 4 simple questions.

If you can replicate this process (or something similar), you’re much less likely to fall victim to the week and much more likely to focus on the most important parts of your personal growth, dog mom life, and your online business.

Why This Matters

Unfortunately, most of us don’t have a solid process for managing our time effectively. We end up reacting to our days instead of proactively working on our goals, leading to unnecessary stress and inefficiency.

Productivity is about systems that force good behavior. Without proper productivity systems in place, several barriers pop up:

Common Barriers

Barrier 1: Unnecessary Distractions

Being distracted continuously by little tasks like checking emails, DMs, or notifications takes you out of your flow and wastes tons of time.

Barrier 2: Wrong Focus

Spending time on activities that feel productive but don't align with your most important goals, like building your brand or nurturing your dog mom life.

Barrier 3: Becoming Overwhelmed

Balancing personal growth, dog mom responsibilities, and growing your online business can lead to a sense of being overwhelmed.

You can overcome all of these challenges by building a better system for improving your weekly productivity.

The 4-Question Process

Question 1: What can I reduce or eliminate?

Each week, start by looking at your schedule. Identify upcoming commitments or tasks that aren’t aligned with your top priorities and reduce or eliminate them. Learn to say no using this template if needed.

Key Tip: Ask yourself, “Does this move me closer to my most important goals?” If the answer is no, eliminate it. If yes, move to question 2.

Question 2: What can I simplify?

Next, look for ways to simplify your days. This might mean reducing the scope of an outing or being satisfied with less than optimal workout. Simplification can save you hours each week.

Example: I recently simplified my morning routine, combining dog walks with a portion of my exercise, saving me an hour each day and giving me more quality time with Graham.

Question 3: What can I automate?

Identify tasks that can be automated. Automation saves time and reduces manual effort. Use tools and templates to streamline tasks like reminders, to-do lists, journaling, etc.

Example: I automated my content scheduling for Instagram using templates I created in notion, freeing up more time to interact with my audience and engage with brands.

Question 4: What can I increase?

This might seem counter intuitive relative to the previous 3 questions, but I’ve found adding tasks to my day that give me energy make less exciting tasks breeze.

Example: I realized that increasing my time spent on creative activities, like brainstorming new content ideas or engaging in a hobby I love, gives me a significant energy boost.

My Non-Negotiable Tasks

Here's what my typical week looks like after applying this process:

  • Quality time with Graham and family

  • Create content for my dog mom community and online business

  • Exercise and self-care routines

  • Engage with my audience and build brand partnerships

Closing Thoughts

I hope this newsletter helps you better organize your day and provides you with a few nuggets you can use to prioritize more effectively. Remember, building the right systems is key to staying productive without becoming overwhelmed and unorganized.

Until next time, stay focused and stay friendly!

Sam & Graham

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