3, 2, 1 JUMP!

My journey into how I found my SPORT and how you can find yours too!

Go go go go GO!!! Ringing in my ears after a great dock diving session at my favorite place (alright maybe second favorite place, behind the beach)... I don’t know what I would do if we hadn’t found this amazing place and this sport that I was born to do.

If you’ve been following us on social media you know one of our most frequented places is The Bone Adventure down in Costa Mesa, CA. This doggie paradise is not only a daycare, but they provide boarding, grooming, and have A DOGGIE POOL!  We learned about The Bone Adventure from Instagram last year and immediately knew this was the place for us!

I wasn’t always this good.  Like any new activity we started small and worked our way up.  You start out with an Intro to Swim Class, where my parents wondered if I’d need a life jacket… YEAH RIGHT!  I then graduated to an Open Swim Class where up to 10 doggos can swim together and play for 30 minutes.  During that initial class I was instantly intrigued by the dock that they have at the pool and one of the staff asked if I wanted to try jumping off…let's just say, it was love at first jump. 

As often as we can, we make the 40 minute drive down to Costa Mesa to catch their 45 minute dock diving class.  Time well spent.  Not only is it a great workout but it has also been such a fun bonding and training experience for both me and my humans. It is amazing to sit with my mom and look back at old videos to see how much progress I have made! I have built up such amazing stamina and strength through dock diving and I am so glad I found this sport. 

Many of you have messaged us asking all about my dock diving experience; how we got started, how I got so good at it, and how often we go.  And while this is my favorite sport, it got me thinking about how many other dog friendly sports there are - whether you have access to a pool or not! 

Well we went online and did a little research for you guys and found that there are so many “dog sports” that suit different breeds, physical abilities, and lifestyles!  Let’s “jump” in.

Dock diving and my other favorites!

Now I’m going to use the term “sport” loosely here, because it does not have to turn into a competition. The most important part of finding a sport for me has been finding an activity that myself and my pawrents can look forward to on a routine basis! Let’s take a look at some of my favorite options and other fun activities we found for you-


We’ll start with my favorite. Dock diving, as well as other swimming activities is a great sport for us dogs because of how easy it can be on the joints. Especially having a bigger dog, like a golden retriever, this was something important to us.

Also, it most definitely does not need to be competitive, we only do this sport for fun and I think we will continue doing it this way! It is also a beneficial way to incorporate training and practicing commands with your pup.

Learning the technique of jumping and following a target has been such a fun, new trick to learn! It has been such a fun way to bond with my humans. Not to mention there are few better ways to stay cool during the heat of the summer.


This fun “sport” isn’t too physically challenging, but is a great workout for our brains.

Nose work is what it sounds like. This sport focuses on our AMAZING sense of smell and challenges us to use scent detection skills. K9 Nose Work has a website where you can learn more about this activity and you can find a trainer near you that you can work with on a higher level.

If the backyard is more your style there are so many great puzzles, snuffle mats, hide and seek options that you can do with treats or their favorite toy. Here is a great article that gives a bunch of different ideas starting with super basic games to more advanced scent detection.

Here are a couple of nose work games!


This sport is SO MUCH FUN for both us dogs and our humans. We work through obstacle courses where we run, jump, weave, and navigate together. Agility classes are one of the more accessible sports, as many dog training facilities offer this course! This is such a great sport to work on our training through commands, bonding with our human, and getting out and socializing.

However, with a few household items you can be up and running around in your own backyard in no time! If you want to get a little more official, we have found a ton of fun items that you can purchase online and set up your own agility courses right from your backyard. You can easily get started with this beginner set and eventually graduate on to full agility!


A “sport” I perform on a daily basis! Usually motivated by treats or praise, this very accessible sport doesn’t require much effort.

In this sport you are practicing your ability to follow a specific routine in a row and must follow alongside your human listening to their commands.

New tricks, old tricks, everyone’s a winner in this game!

Of course, the more professional “sport” is competing in obedience competitions. If this is something you think your dog would be great at, you should check out the AKC website for more information!


For those with natural instincts that need to be unleashed!

Performance sports are for those pups with a strong innate drive to use their “natural” abilities that their breed is known for. Many breeds were used for working purposes and their natural senses of herding, hunting, or luring may come out strong in everyday life. Why not put that natural instinct to a sport?!

Here are just a few of the super cool performance sports you can participate in from the AKC.

Finding your sport!

When your routine walks no longer cut it or you find yourself seeking a new activity. It’s time to find your sport!

We understand that finding and participating in a dog “sport” can seem daunting or unaccessible, but not only can many of them be performed in your yard, a park, or an apartment - they don’t need to take place every day, week, or month. We’re just happy that we get to do them!

If none of my favorites above peeked your interest or you’re feeling like you need a new challenge, AKC has a great survey that will suggest a sport based on a series of questions about your dog and their behavior. We took it the other day and can you guess which sport it knew we would love? DOCK DIVING!

There are actually SO many sports for your dog that you may have not even heard of or thought of for your pup. It sure is entertaining to watch your dog soar for that frisbee or run as fast as lightning to catch that tennis ball. Why not consider amping this innate athleticism into a focused sport for your dog?

Most dogs enjoy running, jumping, and playing. Cueing into this natural desire to be active is great for strengthening your bond with your dog, keeping your dog fit and healthy, and building their confidence. 

Finding a “sport” that fits both you and your dog’s lifestyle is such a great experience. Not only are you both getting out of the house and being social and active, but you are learning something new together.

Daily walks and fetch in the backyard is great exercise for us doggos, but finding a sport that challenges different muscles and mental stimulation can be such an amazing addition to your dog’s routine. On top of the great physical and mental benefits of participating in a sport, this also helps to build a more confident pup. Discovering something new and learning how to get better at it with failures and successes helps to build up a new sense of confidence and pride!

Go find your sport and let us know what you try!

With that, I’m off to find a treat. Talk to you next week and as always, stay friendly!



Raise a PAW if you want a treat!


Doggy Spa Day